Fish Eye View

This is the personal blog of Azahar Machwe.

I am passionate about technology and using it to solve real world problems. This is the place to put those thoughts that keep me awake at night!

Latest from the Blog

Saving and Using Model Artefacts

One of the keys requirements for creating apps that use AI/ML is the ability to save models after training, in a format that can be used to share and deploy the model. This is similar to software packages that can be shared and used through language specific package managers such as Maven for Java. When…

Understanding the Key and Query Concept in Large Language Models

The attention mechanism was an important innovation and led to the rise of large language models like GPT. The paper ‘Attention is all you need’ introduced the Transformer network architecture which showed state-of-the-art performance, in sequence prediction tasks, using only the attention mechanism. The attention mechanism used in the paper is called ‘Self-attention’. Self-attention mechanism…

RAG with LangChain

This is the fourth post in the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) series where we look at using LangChain to implement RAG. If you just want the code – the link is just before the Conclusion section at the end of the post. At its core, LangChain is a python library that contains tools for common…

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